Tag Archives: Men’s Health

MOvember Week 4: Thanksgiving Edition

This year there are so many things to be thankful for, despite the hardships I have faced. In April I found out my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, which the Doctors said was inoperable, incurable, and gave her a short time span to live. Earlier this month, the Doctors exclaimed my Mom was in REMISSION! Can you believe that?! What a miracle it was. She continued to do two more rounds of chemo, and in January will start a 6 week radiation program just to kick that damn cancer while it’s down. While she initially lost all her hair, it is now grown back a little, and its short and gray and she looks like a MUCH hotter Jamie Lee Curtis. So I guess that is mostly what I have to be thankful for this year. Also, I found out in July that I was pregnant with my first child, and even though the father decided to leave us in September, and I’m going through hardships with finding a place to live and dealing with being a single parent, I am thankful that God blessed me with a baby girl, which is what I’ve always wanted. I decided to name her Sophie Pearl. Sophie just because I loved the name, and Pearl after my Mom’s middle name. Each doctor’s visit, she is healthy and growing on schedule, and feeling her kick and move each day in response to my pokes, prodes, and voice is… well, it’s simply amazing. I’m very thankful that Sophie Pearl has the best grandparents in the world, along with an aunt who is gonna spoil the hell out of her, and of course all my best friends who have done everything they can for me through this difficult situation. I love you all, family and friends, and on top of ALL OF THAT, I was able to participate in MOvember, and help bring these amazing men below to you all to show you what a wonderful thing they are doing for cancer research.


Here are those amazing men, and some of what they’re thankful for this year too:

Christian N.

Oscar L.

Donate to Oscar here:


Sean B.

“I am thankful for being able to spend more time with my family this year, not needing to shovel snow in Movember, and that I am able to help make a difference for Men’s Health.”

Donate to Sean here:


Aaron C.

Donate to Aaron here:



Travis T.

“I am thankful for my meMOries with my loved ones.”


Tom S.

“This [week 4 picture] is a thinking face. The mo taketh my dignity but giveth me brains. Though actually, I look more like a juvenile Lemmy who’s lost his band.
The Mo cause is going well; donations are picking up and the mo looks like, well, a mo now. For the last push to raise donations, I’m heading to the studio on Friday for a photoshoot. A photoshoot that involves me, cowboy hats, cheque shirts and unfortunately, chaps.  Humiliation in the name of a good cause!”

Donate to Tom here:




Brian W.

“I’m thankful for many things: family, friends, my dads handing down of awesome ‘stache ability, and sweet footy skills.”


Eric C.

“This year I’m thankful that no one else close to me has been diagnosed with cancer.”


Russ S.

“Thankful here for a healthy life and a happy family (that puts up with my moustache). Hope all is well with you and your in-process little one!”

Donate to Russ here:



Mike C.

Donate to Mike here:



Dan M.

Donate to Dan here:


Nate M.

Donate to Nate here:



Justin R.

“I appreciate all of the support I’ve been getting: whether it’s with a monetary donation, or how my uncle Dan contributed and started his own MO-vember team, he’s raised almost $400 so far, or just your ability to completely terrorize me and my lack of mustache growing genes, thanks Dad for the genetics by the way.”

Donate to Justin here:

















MOvember Week 3 update

Here are the MOvember Week 3 updates I know you all have been waiting for 😀 These staches are getting PRETTY crazy! Only about 12 days left to grow them in and get some donations!! Thanks to all my Mo participants, you guys are doing such an amazing thing. Don’t forget, today is Have Sex with a Man with a Mustache day, so if you don’t have a girlfriend, get out there and find a nice, classy lady who is willing to donate to charity! Yours truly is also looking for a mustached man…


Anyways, on to the men:

Travis T.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

When I am not driving around in my 1982 IROC Z28 you may find me preparing for the nightly news.
-Ron Burgandy

Nate M.


Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Nate here:


David M.

Week 3 Progress

Read David’s Blog here:


Dan M.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Dan here:


Sean B.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Sean here:


Justin R.

Movember Start

Week 3 Mo!

Justin wanted to share with y’all some comments his friends and family have given him:


I think everyone is jealous about your baby face…………………………you better go to the mustache store and get one of those glue on’s.” -His Dad

“What mustache?” -Coworker

“I think he’s talking about his nose hairs Richard.” -Another coworker

Donate to Justin here:


Nate L.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“Movember got me free food! I was at the grocery store by my work and the girl working the deli noticed the sweet mo and asked why I shaved my full beard. I told her about Movember and she was so impressed she upgraded my sandwich to a meal for free! Other than being called “Pepe Lepew” at work, the mo is well received. It’s a great conversation starter and I even got a fist-pound from a senior sales rep today”

Christian N.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Russ S.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“It’s grown in enough now that people understand that it’s intentional. They’re less likely to cross the street and more likely to ask questions and even give the occasional compliment. That drives good conversations about men’s health and Movember. However, the compliments and good conversations don’t extend to the indoor playscape at the Chick-Fil-A in downtown Pflugerville, TX. The parents there eyed me suspiciously. If I hadn’t had my three-year-old to vouch for me, I might not have made it out alive.”

Donate to Russ here:


Brian W.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“I was at a meeting the other day full of physicians and surgeons and most commented on my “70’s Porno Mustache.”

Aaron C.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Aaron here:


Tom S.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“So it seems that for some people, the mo isn’t enough. there are people who are willing to pledge IF a cowboy hat, a cheque shirt AND chaps along with my mo – and then provide photographic evidence. So, if you want to see me humiliated, I’m game. Donations right this way!  http://uk.movember.com/mospace/963312/
I’ve noticed people are now rating my mo now, so there’s definitely some mo pride to be had!”

Donate to Tom here:


Mike C.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Mike here:


Oscar L.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Oscar here:


Eric C.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

This week I crept into the “creepy guy hanging around the grocery store phase” of the mustache.  Looking forward to the next phase-the Magnum P.I. phase.

Aaron B.

Movember Start

Week 3 Mo!

Thanks guys for all the awesome pictures! I may only speak for myself when I say I honestly think y’all look H-O-T!!!

So, we heard word about another official formal MOvember stache party going on at the end of the month. It is being hosted at The Imperial House which in the Balboa area of SD. Details can be found here: http://facialhairformal.com/

This is in addition to the one that is going down at The Double Deuce. Their website can be found here: http://doubledeucesd.com/, although I’m not sure yet what the details are on their stache party.

And lastly, here are some behind the scenes pics of Nate M., Dan M. and Oscar L. being interviewed by Fox6 news for a segment on MOvember.

Movember Men Update #2

Hey y’all! Happy Friday! Well, it’s been a few days since we all started Movember, and I have another three guys who want to join in on the fun and goodwill! Let me introduce them to you:

First up is a dear good friend of mine.

Nate L.

Movember Start

“I am a SDSU Aztec alumni and have lived in San Diego for about 7 years.  I am participating in Movember this year to show support and raise awareness for mens health.  I think I look terrible with a mustache, but this cause supersedes vanity.”

Aaron C.

Movember Start

“Hey I’m Aaron and I am a filmmaker out of San Francisco and I am proud to be a part of the Movember movement. Since having lost my grandfather to cancer and having some close friends affected by the disease, i figured the least I could do was grow out my dirt-stache for a month. I hope to encourage, nay INSPIRE others to the cause and help raise what funds and awareness I can to make prostate and testicular cancers a thing of the past. Please join the Movement and help men everywhere change the face of men’s health.”

Here is a link for Aaron C.’s donation page:



John G.

Movember Start

History has been molded by Great Men with Great Mustaches, from Albert Einstein, to Ned Flanders, to Pedro (from Napoleon Dynamite) our world has praised and followed these men of the warm upper lip. And now it is my turn to join the ranks of these Pharaohs of facial hair, these Sultans of the Soup Strainer.

What’s up I’m John, as a corporate desk monkey and recent SDSU MBA graduate, I am trying to exploit my network to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer. After three successful attempt at growing a variety of ‘staches for a variety of reasons (mostly Irony and Awesomeness), I have once again decided to abandon my full beard, for the powerful-strip-of-the-upper-lip. I have joined team Trash-Stach and have set out to help raise awareness for Men’s Health by doing the least I possibly can, not shaving. Beside not doing anything, my team will be collecting donations and selling wearable fake mustaches at bars throughout San Diego to raise funds. Finally to make this a little more interesting and hopefully get me a few more donations I have been informed that the culmination of Mo-Vember comes at the annual Gala, so whoever donates the most to my Mo-Vember cause will get to choose my Gala Outfit and Stach style

Here is a link for John G.’s donation page:


Pirate Face

Movember Start

Also, we have a wonderful note from Nate M., Team Legendhairy’s leader to the team, and all of our supporters:

“Hey Team!

Just wanted to let everyone know that we’ve had an AMAZING friday!  We have had 3 huge donations in the last day and i want to let everyone know who they are:

Colleen Cardas of Cardas Audio  donated 400.00 dollars to our team!  If that isnt motivation enough to get out there and try and get your work, co-workers, friends and family to support us with anything they can then i dont know what will! A big thanks to Colleen Cardas and the rest of Cardas Audio

Dan Muzquiz of Blackbird Audio and http://www.blackbirdaudo.com donated 100.00 dollars to our team in support of movember and prostate cancer research.  Dan is always there to help out with anything and i know he’s working hard behind the scenes of Team LegendHairy to bring in other heavy hitters. Because of Dan we gained access to Cardas Audio above, so thanks Dan for your donation and constant work to bring in other donations.

Marc Phillips also made a donation of 50 dollars to our team which is greatly appreciated and has helped to boost us over the 600 dollar total mark by the end of week 1.  Thanks Marc!

Also, co-captain Justin Roscoe has gotten in touch with FOX5 news and he and I are working together to get on Fox5 news in the next week or two to promote the team, movember, and prostate cancer awareness.  They have also expressed interest in covering the waxing of my mustache if we break the 1,000.00 original goal set forth!

So there we have it guys, our week 1 / 5 day recap.  Dont forget we are all in this together, and lets blow well beyond the 1000.00 mark we originally set forth as a goal.  I think we can be one of the top donators for a team of our size! we are already ranked 440th in the nation! so keep it up guys!

Team LegendHairy
-Nathan Muzquiz”

This so far has been a great start! And to all the men who joined, I love the Mo start! Look for ‘stache updates coming Wednesday!!

Movember Men

Happy November folks! Or should I say MOvember. 5 days ago I would have had no idea what Movember was, other than an obvious typo since M is next to N on the keyboard. However, being the resourceful gal that I am, after I saw the typo more than once, I googled. Google never leads one astray, and I soon learned what I am going to share with you about the awesomeness of Movember.

Movember= Moustache + November.

According to the website Movember.com:

“The Mo, slang for moustache, and November come together each year for Movember.

Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a moustache. The rules are simple, start Movember 1st  clean-shaven and then grow a moustache for the entire month.  The moustache becomes the ribbon for men’s health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised for cancers that affect men.  Much like the commitment to run or walk for charity, the men of Movember commit to growing a moustache for 30 days.

The idea for Movember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia.  The plan was simple – to bring the moustache back as a bit of a joke and do something for men’s health. No money was raised in 2003, but the guys behind the Mo realized the potential a moustache had in generating conversations about men’s health.  Inspired by the women around them and all they had done for breast cancer, the Mo Bros set themselves on a course to create a global men’s health movement.

In 2004 the campaign evolved and focused on raising awareness and funds for the number one cancer affecting men – prostate cancer. 432 Mo Bros joined the movement that year, raising $55,000 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia – representing the single largest donation they had ever received.

The Movember moustache has continued to grow year after year, expanding to the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, South Africa, the Netherlands and Finland.

In 2009, global participation of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas climbed to 255,755, with over one million donors raising $42 Million US equivalent dollars for Movember’s global beneficiary partners.”

As a fan of facial hair in any form on men, and because it is a great cause, I became a fast fan of Movember. Afterall, the men support us ladies so well during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October (something about seeing NFL players wearing Barbie-pink I just loved!), so now I see it as our duty, or at least my duty, to support the men. However, since it isn’t possible for me to grow a moustache, I will volunteer my help towards this wonderful cause by bringing awareness to others about the cause. My friend Nate asked me to put a link on my blog to his Movember page where people can donate, and it inspired me to make it bigger. I posted on my Facebook wall a call to my man friends: if you’re participating, send me pictures and information! My goal is to compile this blog post of actual men that you may know and may not know who are participating in this, actually doing something. I took the idea one step further, and messaged men around the world via twitter and the hashtag #movember to send me information too. Throughout the month, I will be updating on these guys’ hilarious and awesome, hopefully sexy Mos, and hopefully in the process raising awareness and some real bucks for the cause.

Oh, and if you’re wondering what your face fuzz and dollars are going to support, the website breaks it down:

“The funds raised through Movember’s US campaign benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

The PCF uses the money raised by Movember to fund research that is accelerating the discovery of better treatments and ultimately finding a cure for prostate cancer.  One such program is the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center’s research, which has recently made a significant breakthrough.  They identified 24 different kinds of prostate cancer and how aggressive each is.  This should enable scientists to soon be able to answer the agonizing question facing men with prostate cancer: does their cancer need immediate treatment, and if so what is the best treatment, or can it be left alone?

LIVESTRONG uses the money raised by Movember to fund important programs to support young adults and their families battling and surviving cancer.  These programs include:

•     Fertile Hope, an initiative dedicated to providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility.

•      My Planet, an online community of peer support that allows young adults to find and communicate with other young adults whose lives have been affected by cancer.

•      Continuing Nursing Education program on Young Adult Cancer Survivorship. LIVESTRONG encourage nurses to know the warning signs of cancer, understand what types of cancer for which young adults may be at risk, and learn about cancer screening.

The success of Movember can be directly attributed to the more than 627,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas who have supported our cause since 2003.  Movember is sincerely grateful for their efforts and appreciates all they do.”

SO… now what you all have been waiting for… THE MEN!

First up, the man who inspired me:

Nate M.

Movember Start

“So it all started with an email from [my friend] Justin.  He said he stumbled across the site and was wondering if I or the other 20+ people he sent it to wanted to do it.  I clicked the link and checked it out, and immediately was floored by some of the statistics i was reading.
– prostate cancer strikes 1 in 6 men in their lifetime
– testicular cancer is the most common cancer men aged 18-35
– In 2010, more than 32k men will die as a direct result of prostate cancer.

I first thought the idea of the mustache was novel and was mostly a joke, but as i read on i realized that the mo’ was a conversation starter, and a way to bring up the subjects of prostate cancer and testicular cancer, as well as a way to draw in donations for the prostate cancer foundation and livestrong to fund male cancer research.

I myself will probably grow a pretty pathetic mustache since i have very thin facial hair, but if it means having a hobo stache is the hardest part i have to endure to further research in cancers that affect so many fellow men, i think its too easy a job to pass up.

So i told Justin I’d do it, and posted it to my Facebook.  While the team has grown to 4 members as of now, I want to see it grow further with local support.  I want mo sistas (like yourself) to join our team “Legendhairy” and try to bring about more awareness for these cancers.  I am sending you this email in hopes that you help spread the word via your blog and other avenues.  Donations of any amount are encouraged as they will benefit livestrong and the prostate research foundation directly.  Thanks Liz, i hope to see your support and the support of your friends/fans all month 🙂 Here’s the link to my movember page, from which you can donate to myself which directly benefits our team and earlier mentioned organizations. “

Here is a link for Nate M.’s donation page for Team Legendhairy:



Oscar L.

Movember Start

“Have always been a fan of growing facial hair just need inspiration to grow. With being such an understated issue in the male society and health and fitness being such a big part of my life. It is super important for me to raise awareness to this cancer epidemic claiming such a large percentage of men.”

Here is a link for Oscar L.’s donation page for Team Legendhairy:



Justin R.

Movember Start

“This Mo-vember I’ve decided to donate my face to raising awareness about cancers that affect men.

My commitment is the growth of a mustache (or lack thereof) for the entire month of Mo-vember, which I know will generate conversation, controversy, and laughter.

My friend Nate and I started a team to get as many donations as possible to support men’s cancers.
We’re doing this because:

·     1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in his lifetime

·     1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime

This is a cause that I feel passionately about and I’m asking you to support my efforts by making a donation to support the great work of the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG.  To help, you can either:

–   Join mine and Nate’s team and grow a mustache with us!! (http://us.movember.com/mospace/943124/)
–  Click on my direct link http://us.movember.com/mospace/1000146/ and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account

–  Write a check (see attached) payable to Movember, referencing my name or Registration Number #1000146 and mailing it to: Movember, PO Box 2726 , Venice , CA 90294-2726

The money raised will help make a tangible difference to the lives of others, through the world’s most promising prostate cancer research and LIVESTRONG’s programs that support young adults and their families battling and surviving cancer.”

Here is a link for Justin R.’s donation page for Team Legendhairy:


Dan M.

Movember Start

“I’m just trying to support a good cause.  Hitting my age, there are things that guys need to be concerned about.  Heck, even the younger ones can fall prey to a sense of youthful casualness about their health.  The thing is, you never really know you have cancer until it’s too late.  Better to get checked out as a matter of routine than to lament missing it in hind sight (no pun intended).

I grow a might dismal mustachio but I figure I’ll lump it (again with the puns) for a month.”

Here is a link for Dan M.’s donation page for Team Legendhairy:



Brian W.

Movember Start

“I’m a 27 year old medical professional who is doing this to both bring awareness to prostate cancer and to sport a sweet ‘stache. I don’t really have any risk factors for developing the disease, but I feel it’s my job as a man and as a medical professional to help bring awareness to it. I see plenty of patients that have gone through surgery and treatments for prostate problems. So this ugly mo is my salute to them and to remind myself about prostate health.”

Travis T.

Movember Start

Justin P.

Movember Start

“My name is Justin Pettis. Im 27 yrs old, born and raised a San Francisco Giants fan in Stockton, CA. I relocated to San Diego in 2003 to work as a Marine Tech. I still remain today, but as a Mason living the sunny San Diego Life.
My motivation For participating  is to support mens heatlh. My Father is currently going through some prostate issues right now wich makes it more personal. Prostate cancer is common and as we get older its something every man should be aware of. Together we could help spread awareness and raise donations by growing out our Stache’s. Lets eradicate these diseases so theres one less thing we and our children/future children have to worry about.”

Christian N.

Movember Start

“I’m a web designer by trade and I currently teach in the Digital Media and IT program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. I wanted to help raise money for prostate cancer research because I’ve felt the effects of cancer within my own family very recently. As well, the father of a friend of mine just passed away from cancer after being diagnosed a few short weeks ago. The effect this disease can have on an individual and a family is devastating.

Movember is a fun way to help raise money to battle prostate cancer in men. If I can raise money AND have an excuse to wear a moustache for a month – I mean, come on, it’s a no brainer!”

Sean B.

Movember Start

“My reasoning for participation is pretty simple. Huge charitable organizations get much of the spotlight today – but, smaller/lesser known causes like this can have a powerful impact in the lives of the people they serve and they desperately need a voice. The Movember movement is growing – I am just trying to lend my voice to help get the word out.”

Sean also created this typographic poster and is looking for a screenprinter to get a limited edition run printed and sold so we can donate the proceeds. Contact him via Twitter if interested in this. twitter.com/seanbell

Here is a link for Sean B.’s donation page:


Tom S.

Movember Start

“I head Tom Stables Creative (creative web, graphic and social media design), co-founded Social Subversion (social media consultancy and workshops – in fact, Nathaniel Cassidy, the other co-founder is in our Movember team. Sports a fine gentleman’s pose!) and also currently lecture at the University of Central Lancashire in Online Reputation Management.

A bit about why Movember  – a fun way to raise money, that’ll get people talking, asking questions and raising awareness which ultimately, is as important as raising money. Cancer has directly affected my family’s life and stuck it’s nosey fucking beak in where it wasn’t wanted or needed – grandparents, aunties, uncles, it’s a charitable cause that’s close to my heart.

My Mo-Space http://uk.movember.com/mospace/963312

My Facebook Page (also with daily Mo updates) www.facebook.com/tomstablescreative”

Here is a link for Tom S.’s donation page:



Eric C.

Movember Start



“I support Movember cause I watched cancer shrink my father figure/best friend/man who took me after I left home from a healthy 6’2″ 200lbs guy to 140lbs and kill him in 5 months. It shrank the time we had together from years to months to days to finally hours and seconds.  That’s what cancer does, it shrinks things. It took him, shrunk his life down to nothing and turned him into Darth Vader in those last hours, breathing only through a ventilator.  I’ve attached the before picture.”

Russ S.

Movember Start

“I run marketing for an eCommerce video startup called Invodo in Austin, Texas. Variations on the formal work bio are here or here. But they’re probably not that interesting other than to observe that I’m a technology marketer who, after a number of years in large companies (Dell, Dun & Bradstreet, etc) found a passion for startups. And for video. And for this particular team. Proof of that is here…I’m the guy in the blond wig destroying the keyboard. We do a lot of video – we also did this one featuring Movember’s Team Austin.

Beyond the work stuff I’m a husband and a father. I’ve been fortunate in that my life hasn’t been closely touched by men’s cancers. But my number could be up anytime. I just turned fifty, prime age for such diagnoses. And my son Joe is three. I’d like to see him live a long, healthy life without having to worry about cancer. Since one in two men are diagnosed with cancer at some point, either he or I are likely to face it. So that’s why.

And I’d be derelict in my duty if I didn’t point out that my Mo space is here. Folks are welcome to join Team Austin (whether they live here or not), donate, or just comment on the silliness that is sprouting on my upper lip.”

Here is a link for Russ S.’s donation page:


Eric W.


See Eric’s reasons for participating and read his blog about Movember here: Eric W.’s Blog


David M.

Movember Start

See David’s reasons for participating and read his blog about Movember here: David M.’s Blog

Thanks to all the awesome men who are participating in Movember! I will be posting updates every week throughout Movember so please subscribe to my blog or follow it to see how these sweet ‘staches will grow! If you or any of your friends want to join the updates, please send pictures to my email at elizabeth.atkins@ymail.com.

And please donate to a good cause by going to my Team’s profile (Team LegendHairy) here and follow us on Twitter here @TeamLegendHairy.

Make sure to comment on this blog and upcoming blogs on who is growing the sweetest Mo!