Tag Archives: Movember

Final MOvember Update

Final MOvember Update

Well, it’s that time… The end of MOvember. I just want to say how thankful I am that I was able to be apart of this and NOT have to grow a mustache! The MO men have shared with me how much they raised, some thoughts on their experiences, and most importantly, whether they decided to SHAVE or KEEP their new ‘MO!

Russ S.

“TeamAUS has raised $30,810 as of this moment! [I had a] Great experience and would do it again. When people want to know “why the ‘stache” it’s a great lead-in to discuss something important that, otherwise, is usually only discussed in a doctor’s office.

Shave. No question. My wife and six-year-old daughter put their foot down. My three-year-old son, on the other hand, wants me to grow a beard now.”


Christian N.

“Our team raised $587 in total. It was a really fun experience but I didn’t anticipate it would actually be so hard to keep the moustache the whole time. Myself and another teammate attended a local photographers Movember photoshoot (in which half the proceeds also went to the charity) and got some really great and hilarious shots. I’ve attached one of me for your viewing pleasure 🙂

The photoshoot was done by the uber talented Scott Bruck and Tegan Gardner of Shadowbox Studios: http://www.shadowboxstudios.ca/

Oh, and I DEFINITELY shaved, lol.”

Hilarious Photoshoot!

Sean B.

“Our team raised $30,810. The experience was great I got heckled by a professional boxer on twitter, and 8 year old children at the Million Mustache March in Austin. I help increase the conversation about men’s health and prostate cancer, met a ton of great people and have some amazing ideas for how to improve everything next year.


Justin R.

“I raised $195, our team raised $1,170. Now that we have reached our goal, we have one team member, Blake, http://us.movember.com/mospace/1067096/, who said he is going to WAX his mustache off, on camera!! It’s going to be fun to watch.”If I had better mustache growing genes, I would have enjoyed the experience a lot more, to be able to actually do something with the mustache. But overall I am very happy with the money we’ve raised and glad that I can help contribute to such a worthy cause.I may keep the facial hair for a little while, but overall I’ll be going back to clean shaven before Santa comes.”

Follow Justin R. on twitter!


Brian W.


Nate M.

“Hey I’m keeping it! At least for a while,  I like it for now.  Team legendhairy raised 1, 130 bucks for prostate cancer awareness and I can’t wait to top that numnet next year.  It was the first charity program participated in and it felt really good.  I met two great cancer survivors,  raised awareness around campus by talking to classmates,  and I’m even writing a paper about the experience for school.”

Dan M.


“I learned about how important it is to think about such things, went in and got checked out (everything is cool) and saw some friends and family rise to the occasion with some generous donations to our team.

Nathan managed to work out an interview with channel 6 news and my friend Kerri Kasem interviewed Nathan and I by phone for her radio podcast.

Don’t think I’ll keep the “mo” though.  Orders came down from the home front that its days are numbered.  Looks like Nathan and I will be going in for a proper hot shave at a barbershop.  He wants to make it a quality day with his pops.  I’ll take it!

Thanks for supporting us.  I’ve enjoyed reading your posts!”

Tom S.

“With the promise of ridicule and embarrassment, we managed to get a good final push for donations and so far have around £1200 and counting. Each time we got a donation, I released a ridiculous picture onto my Facebook Page.

Sadly, the mo went at a minute past December!”

MOvember Week 4: Thanksgiving Edition

This year there are so many things to be thankful for, despite the hardships I have faced. In April I found out my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, which the Doctors said was inoperable, incurable, and gave her a short time span to live. Earlier this month, the Doctors exclaimed my Mom was in REMISSION! Can you believe that?! What a miracle it was. She continued to do two more rounds of chemo, and in January will start a 6 week radiation program just to kick that damn cancer while it’s down. While she initially lost all her hair, it is now grown back a little, and its short and gray and she looks like a MUCH hotter Jamie Lee Curtis. So I guess that is mostly what I have to be thankful for this year. Also, I found out in July that I was pregnant with my first child, and even though the father decided to leave us in September, and I’m going through hardships with finding a place to live and dealing with being a single parent, I am thankful that God blessed me with a baby girl, which is what I’ve always wanted. I decided to name her Sophie Pearl. Sophie just because I loved the name, and Pearl after my Mom’s middle name. Each doctor’s visit, she is healthy and growing on schedule, and feeling her kick and move each day in response to my pokes, prodes, and voice is… well, it’s simply amazing. I’m very thankful that Sophie Pearl has the best grandparents in the world, along with an aunt who is gonna spoil the hell out of her, and of course all my best friends who have done everything they can for me through this difficult situation. I love you all, family and friends, and on top of ALL OF THAT, I was able to participate in MOvember, and help bring these amazing men below to you all to show you what a wonderful thing they are doing for cancer research.


Here are those amazing men, and some of what they’re thankful for this year too:

Christian N.

Oscar L.

Donate to Oscar here:


Sean B.

“I am thankful for being able to spend more time with my family this year, not needing to shovel snow in Movember, and that I am able to help make a difference for Men’s Health.”

Donate to Sean here:


Aaron C.

Donate to Aaron here:



Travis T.

“I am thankful for my meMOries with my loved ones.”


Tom S.

“This [week 4 picture] is a thinking face. The mo taketh my dignity but giveth me brains. Though actually, I look more like a juvenile Lemmy who’s lost his band.
The Mo cause is going well; donations are picking up and the mo looks like, well, a mo now. For the last push to raise donations, I’m heading to the studio on Friday for a photoshoot. A photoshoot that involves me, cowboy hats, cheque shirts and unfortunately, chaps.  Humiliation in the name of a good cause!”

Donate to Tom here:




Brian W.

“I’m thankful for many things: family, friends, my dads handing down of awesome ‘stache ability, and sweet footy skills.”


Eric C.

“This year I’m thankful that no one else close to me has been diagnosed with cancer.”


Russ S.

“Thankful here for a healthy life and a happy family (that puts up with my moustache). Hope all is well with you and your in-process little one!”

Donate to Russ here:



Mike C.

Donate to Mike here:



Dan M.

Donate to Dan here:


Nate M.

Donate to Nate here:



Justin R.

“I appreciate all of the support I’ve been getting: whether it’s with a monetary donation, or how my uncle Dan contributed and started his own MO-vember team, he’s raised almost $400 so far, or just your ability to completely terrorize me and my lack of mustache growing genes, thanks Dad for the genetics by the way.”

Donate to Justin here:

















MOvember Week 3 update

Here are the MOvember Week 3 updates I know you all have been waiting for 😀 These staches are getting PRETTY crazy! Only about 12 days left to grow them in and get some donations!! Thanks to all my Mo participants, you guys are doing such an amazing thing. Don’t forget, today is Have Sex with a Man with a Mustache day, so if you don’t have a girlfriend, get out there and find a nice, classy lady who is willing to donate to charity! Yours truly is also looking for a mustached man…


Anyways, on to the men:

Travis T.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

When I am not driving around in my 1982 IROC Z28 you may find me preparing for the nightly news.
-Ron Burgandy

Nate M.


Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Nate here:


David M.

Week 3 Progress

Read David’s Blog here:


Dan M.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Dan here:


Sean B.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Sean here:


Justin R.

Movember Start

Week 3 Mo!

Justin wanted to share with y’all some comments his friends and family have given him:


I think everyone is jealous about your baby face…………………………you better go to the mustache store and get one of those glue on’s.” -His Dad

“What mustache?” -Coworker

“I think he’s talking about his nose hairs Richard.” -Another coworker

Donate to Justin here:


Nate L.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“Movember got me free food! I was at the grocery store by my work and the girl working the deli noticed the sweet mo and asked why I shaved my full beard. I told her about Movember and she was so impressed she upgraded my sandwich to a meal for free! Other than being called “Pepe Lepew” at work, the mo is well received. It’s a great conversation starter and I even got a fist-pound from a senior sales rep today”

Christian N.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Russ S.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“It’s grown in enough now that people understand that it’s intentional. They’re less likely to cross the street and more likely to ask questions and even give the occasional compliment. That drives good conversations about men’s health and Movember. However, the compliments and good conversations don’t extend to the indoor playscape at the Chick-Fil-A in downtown Pflugerville, TX. The parents there eyed me suspiciously. If I hadn’t had my three-year-old to vouch for me, I might not have made it out alive.”

Donate to Russ here:


Brian W.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“I was at a meeting the other day full of physicians and surgeons and most commented on my “70’s Porno Mustache.”

Aaron C.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Aaron here:


Tom S.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

“So it seems that for some people, the mo isn’t enough. there are people who are willing to pledge IF a cowboy hat, a cheque shirt AND chaps along with my mo – and then provide photographic evidence. So, if you want to see me humiliated, I’m game. Donations right this way!  http://uk.movember.com/mospace/963312/
I’ve noticed people are now rating my mo now, so there’s definitely some mo pride to be had!”

Donate to Tom here:


Mike C.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Mike here:


Oscar L.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

Donate to Oscar here:


Eric C.

Movember Start

Week 2 Mo!

Week 3 Mo!

This week I crept into the “creepy guy hanging around the grocery store phase” of the mustache.  Looking forward to the next phase-the Magnum P.I. phase.

Aaron B.

Movember Start

Week 3 Mo!

Thanks guys for all the awesome pictures! I may only speak for myself when I say I honestly think y’all look H-O-T!!!

So, we heard word about another official formal MOvember stache party going on at the end of the month. It is being hosted at The Imperial House which in the Balboa area of SD. Details can be found here: http://facialhairformal.com/

This is in addition to the one that is going down at The Double Deuce. Their website can be found here: http://doubledeucesd.com/, although I’m not sure yet what the details are on their stache party.

And lastly, here are some behind the scenes pics of Nate M., Dan M. and Oscar L. being interviewed by Fox6 news for a segment on MOvember.

Team Legendhairy Team Leader of Fox News!

Team Legendhairy Team Leader Nate Muzquiz and participant Oscar Lopez featured with cancer survivors at Nate’s house for a Fox News piece on Movember!

Watch Here: http://www.sandiego6.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?articleID=868784


Movember Week 2!

Movember Week 2!


Mo gear!

What I’ve been waiting all week since starting the Movember blog…. the updates! There is nothing sexier than some facial hair on a man, especially when it is for a good cause!!! So drumroll please………………….


Nate M.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!


Here is a link for Nate M.’s donation page for Team Legendhairy:


Sean B.

Movember Start

8 day Mo!

Here is a link for Sean B.’s donation page:


Dan M.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

It’s not looking real promising just yet, but I’m hoping to sport a Pancho Villa look by the end of the month.  Ambitious?  Maybe… but I’m more ambitious about helping out with this cause.

Great story:

Not only did Colleen Cardas  hit us with a nice team donation on behalf of Cardas Audio ( www.cardas.com ) but she has also enthusiastically joined Team LegendHairy – and went digging in some old halloween boxes for her own mustache for her Movember team photo: http://us.movember.com/mospace/1171878/

Here is a link for Dan M.’s donation page for Team Legendhairy:


Mo Sista support!

Can you believe it?  She changed her facebook photo to this for Movember!

There are not a lot of women willing to sport such a thing  and certainly wouldn’t get a photo taken of it to boot (save for my little Sicilian great-grandmother on mom’s side of the family)!

Travis T.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Travis calls it: “My Mo-Stache for Cash!

Christian N.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Tom S.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Tom says: “It’s an unfortunate close-up, but look! There’s the onset of mo-greatness right there! Surely I can start begging for donations soon? It’s in-between looking like a moustache and the shadow you’d get on a teen looking to buy alcohol. The fun part is that I start a series of lectures tomorrow, so I’ll probably be known as that weird looking lecturer. Wonderful! Am thinking of ways to raise more mo-awareness; probably by doing something silly if we (the team) reach a certain amount of donations….

Love the support you’re lending to the mo men!”

Here is a link for Tom S.’s donation page:


Brian W.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!


Russ S.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Russ says: “Attached shows that I’m discovering my inner truck-driver, as I’ve decided to try letting the handlebars grow all the way down. No funny stories, unfortunately, other than my 6yo daughter repeatedly threatening to shave me in my sleep.

Here is a link for Russ S.’s donation page:


Mike C.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Mike says: “Well this is the base growth after week 1.  I do the base build first to avoid the dirty lip look. I am going to start shaping it up this weekend.

Mike C.’s Donation Page: http://us.movember.com/mospace/908906/

Eric C.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Eric says: “Nobody has yet to ask me if I’m driving a Trans Am to Texas to pick up beer. If you get that reference, kudos.

Nate L.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Aaron C.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Here is a link for Aaron C.’s donation page:


John G.

Movember Start

1 week Mo!

Here is a link for John G.’s donation page:


Aaron B.

Movember Newbie!

“I am participating in Movember to help raise awareness for male health. I recently had a close friend whose father died of prostate cancer, amongst many other friends and family are are suffering from many other cancers.”

Oscar L.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Justin P.

Movember Start

Week 1 Mo!

Mo Sistas!!!

Stephanie H.

Movember Start!

1 week Mo!

Julia O.

Mo Sista love!

Megan W.

She is a woman, I swear!

CAN’T wait until next week!!! Please, comment on the hilarious pictures, and spread the word for a good cause!!!!!